ICO Icon Generator
Drag and drop or click to select image (supported formats: png, jpg, gif)

Generate Transparent ICO Icons Online
Want to make your website more professional and appealing?
A beautiful website icon (ICO) is essential!
ICO icon, also known as website icon or favicon.ico, is a small icon that appears on the browser tab, bookmarks, search results, etc. It can enhance website recognition and user experience.
This tool helps you generate transparent ICO icons quickly and easily, supporting the conversion of PNG, GIF and other image formats to ICO format.
Provide multiple ICO icon sizes to choose from, such as 16*16, 32*32, 48*48, 64*64, 128*128, 256*256, to meet your different needs.

- Simple to Use
- Quick Generation
- Multiple Sizes
- Transparent Background
- Free To Use
Experience it now, let your website have cool ICO icons!