Port Scan

Port scanning is a network security testing method used to identify open ports on a target host. By scanning ports, you can understand the target host's service types and security vulnerabilities, and take appropriate security measures.

Usage Instructions

The open port scanner is a free tool that can help you scan IP addresses and domains to detect the status of common ports and understand network security.

How to Use:

  1. Enter the IP address or domain you want to scan in the input box.
  2. Click the "Start Scan" button.
  3. Wait for the scan results, results will be displayed in the table below.

Common Port Functions:

    Port21: FTP File Transfer Protocol, used to upload and download files.

    Port22: SSH Secure Shell Protocol, used for remote login and secure file transfer.

    Port23: Telnet Remote Login Protocol, used for remote login, but less secure, it is recommended to close.

    Port25: SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, used to send emails.

    Port79: Finger Protocol, used to retrieve user information, it is recommended to close.

    Port80: HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used to access web pages.

    Port110: POP3 Post Office Protocol, used to receive emails.

    Port135: RPC Remote Procedure Call Protocol, used to remotely call programs, it is recommended to close.

    Port137-139: NetBIOS Protocol, used for network naming services, it is recommended to close.

    Port143: IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol, used to receive emails.

    Port443: HTTPS Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for secure access to web pages.

    Port445: SMB Shared File Protocol, used to share files and printers, it is recommended to close.

    Port888: Web server, it is recommended to close.

    Port1433: Microsoft SQL Server database server, it is recommended to close.

    Port3306: MySQL database server, it is recommended to close.

    Port3311-3312: MySQL database server, it is recommended to close.

    Port3389: RDP Remote Desktop Protocol, used to remotely control computers, it is recommended to close.

    Port8888: Web server, it is recommended to close.

Security Suggestions:

For security purposes, it is recommended that you close unnecessary ports.

You can use a firewall to block access to specific ports.

If you are unsure which ports need to be closed, please consult a professional.